Monday, July 16, 2007

My little Gardener

Anna has been asking me all summer. Mommy can we get flowers to plant. I want to learn about the roots and weeds to. So we went to Wal-Mart and got a bunch fo different colors of flowers. She wanted purple the most, and I also got some fun fun in red and yellow. When she was napping I spent 3 hours pulling the weeds and getting the holes ready for her to help me plant them. When we got out there she only planted one of them. She said Mommy I don't want to do anymore. So I planted the rest and she watered them. I had fun though and now our garden is really pretty with out lovely angels in the background. It's amazine how much God put his work into nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your flowers look pretty. Maybe next time Anna will want to plant some more.