Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Caroline at 14 months

Our little one is growing up so fast. It's amazing just how much the change everyday that way God has then too. Caroline is now 14 months old today. She is walking great and hardly falls. She loves to follow her sister around and play with the same thing her sister does. She loves to do the Indian sound by putting her hand on her mouth and go AHH. It's so cute. She also has learned how to wave when you say bye bye to her she says ba ba buy not Bye bye yet. She is not talking yet hopefully she will soon. I can't wait to know her first word. She eats about anything when she is feeling good from shirp, peas, fruit she loves and meat and more. She has the prettiest smils and smiles at everyone. She is such a delight and I can't wait to see her grow up but not to fast mommy loves the little kid stage. I love you Caroline.

Love Mommy and Daddy